Our friends The Sowing Sisters have their 5th workshop in the Speak to Self, Speak to Others series coming up real soon!

Understanding Cultural and Racial Identity to Inform Anti-Racism Action

  • Date & Time: Sat 3rd September, 10:00 – 12:00
  • Theme:  Effective Allyship with guest speaker Prof Mark Rose, traditionally linked to the Gunditijmara Nation of Western Victoria
  • Location: Online with interactive large and small group discussion following the guest speaker
  • Register here and pay by donation – if you can, and as you feel.

An opportunity to listen deeply, unlearn and relearn what anti-racism action looks like centring Aboriginal and Zenadth Kes [Torres Strait Islander] voices. Developing a shared understanding of how the racism of colonisation shapes mainstream Australian culture

Please note there is some (brief) pre-workshop reading/viewing (article and/or short video clips) prior to the workshop.