NUCA team actions
Our NUCA teams work on all kinds of local climate actions whether it’s improving local biodiversity, writing submissions to local council, starting petitions, running campaigns, etc.
Find out how you can support our NUCA teams here.

In the past, the Education team has supported the School Strike 4 Climate ‘Climate Strike’ to encourage more families to attend. Please let us know if you want to get involved – there’s interest in a schools network being set up!
The Forests team focuses on accelerating transition out of native forest logging and supporting local communities affected by native forest logging. They have some exciting upcoming forest tours of Toolangi for the community, with a follow up tour with MPs! To get involved, click here.
PURE - Plastics Use Reduction and Elimination
In 2020, this team put in a successful submission to Moreland Council’s budget; so now, in 2021 Moreland Council will work with the Boomerang Alliance to run a trial with a selection of Coburg businesses to get rid of their single use plastics! If you’re keen to take action to deal with our plastic problems, let us know!
Food waste
Let us know if you’d like to get involved in helping stop local food waste!
Local transport
This team designed and distributed a flyer about watering street trees across Coburg North: more trees means more shade and less heat, which makes walking and cycling around the neighbourhood a lot nicer! If you’d like to join this team and work on improving local transport, let us know!
The Growers
This team works on planting and growing, to make better use of green spaces and improve biodiversity in Fawkner. Sometimes they run garden tours, seed bomb making, and tree planting working bees, too! Let us know if you’d like to get involved or start a green team in your area.
Sustainable Living Guide
This team has been working on a guide to local sustainable spots and ways to be sustainable in the Moreland and Darebin council areas. Watch this space – there will be some handy guides to check out soon!
Join a team!
Do you want to engage in climate action on a local level? Contact us to join or start a NUCA team.