Our values are:
- Environmental
- Inclusive
- Respectful
If we were a plant we would be a river red gum.

Friends of Merri Creek is a community group that has worked for 40 years to protect, preserve and rehabilitate the Merri Creek. Our work encompasses both on-ground remediation activities (e.g. litter clean-ups, plantings etc) and education and advocacy work, including in planning debates and government policy – there’s something for everyone! We have 600 members and a support base on social media of 8,000.
We campaign for the protection and enhancement of the Merri Creek through community mobilisation. We have a whole range of subgroups including Friends of Edgars Creek, Friends of Merri Park and Friends of Edwardes Lake.
passionate about our local environment. No particular skills are needed to participate in the on-ground work; for other activities specialist skills in financial management, planning laws and social media would be welcome.
Volunteering at our on-ground activities (litter clean-ups, plantings), supporting our advocacy campaigns (letter writing, etc) or helping with Friends administration, including social media, website support, etc.
so we can embarrass the governments and industry into doing the right thing. We shouldn’t need volunteers to do litter clean ups; there should be packaging legislation so plastic litter doesn’t end up in the river.
hands-on, practical work. We get our hands into the dirt and the creek to improve the damaged ecosystem, and we keep you informed of what the government plans to do to the creek.
at varied times according to our calendar of events. The Committee meets once a month.
Our values are:
If we were a plant we would be a river red gum.
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